Mireya Solano

Detoxification Holistic Nutrition (auto-immune & gut health) Weight Loss Hamilton

I live in Ontario, Canada.  I am a wife and a mother of two wonderful girls, now 15 and 11. With the wonders of nutrition I have overcome  life long pain from Inflammatory Bowl Disease;  the change to this new career has made a positive impact in me and my  family life and I hope that I can help you to make a positive impact in you and your loved ones as well.

Love is the foundation of life…Give love and you will receive it back…from the seed that you sow today will reap its fruit tomorrow.



Posts by Mireya Solano

Benefits of Zinc Nutraphoria

Seven Facts About Zinc

Seven Facts About Zinc ZINC has many important functions and potential uses. Its deficiency or depletion can cause a variety of symptoms. It is important...

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Tasty and Healthy Guacamole

Tasty and Healthy Guacamole Ingredients 4 ripe avocados. 1/4 teaspoon Celtic sea salt. 1 Tbsp. of fresh lime juice or lemon juice. 1/4 cup of...

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Coconut Rice Nutraphoria

Coconut Rice

Coconut Rice Ingredients 7 Oz Organic creamed unsweetened coconut 2 Cups of brown rice 2 Tablespoons of brown sugar 1 ½ teaspoons of Celtic sea...

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Understanding Detoxification

Understanding Detoxification Our body acquire toxins from the environment. We eat, drink and get in contact with them repeatedly and regularly. Most drugs, food additives,...

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