Monique Attinger

Consulting Food as Medicine Low Oxalate Diet Nutritional counseling Nutritional Supplements Canada Georgetown

Monique Attinger is Low Ox Coach. She is your partner in reaching your health goals through a focus on reducing your oxalate intake in combination with high density nutrition and targeted nutritional supplements. Sometimes, reducing oxalate alone is not enough; Monique’s clientele includes many with complex dietary challenges, including the overlap of individual food sensitivities or allergies with other therapeutic diets, including low histamine and low salicylate approaches. If you have been “eating extra healthy” while following a careful eat plan and yet find that you are not feeling well, oxalate could be your issue! Many chronic diseases have an inflammatory component, and oxalate can be an unrecognized driver, affecting you “under the radar”. If you are everything right, but getting sicker – Monique is ready to help.

Posts by Monique Attinger

Amazing Amino Acids

When it comes to your body and your health, amino acids are one of the most important nutrients that you need to get in your...

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