Thomas Montour

Holistic Health Coach Holistic Nutritionist Personal Trainer Ontario

I began my fitness journey at the age of 17 by lifting weights (this is something I now look back on and wish I started doing earlier). I played competitive hockey for 12 years in my youth, and not once did I ever think of it as work, or exercise. It was pure fun and enjoyment. At the time, I did not know that this is what passion felt like. Passion is something that others may call ‘work’, but I call love, fun and thrilling. At 22 I went out on a date with my future wife, and 6 months later we were engaged. Again, passion prevailed. It then dawned on me, what if I exhaust all my energy in finding something that I am passionate about professionally? This passion would take me awhile to find, though. The process was, at times, frustrating and demoralizing, however, I always believed I was destined to help people. I know, you’re probably thinking “everyone likes helping other people”. This means more to me than you think. It is about fulfillment, not just a moment of “I did a good thing”. I felt completely fulfilled by seeing others become better versions of themselves, with me at their sides. I did not know all the answers, but I felt obliged to do whatever I had to do, to see them succeed. I was stubborn with myself, pushed myself to my limits, but I never wanted to slow down or give up. This is how I knew that my passion and fulfillment in life would come at the expense of my energy and time for others. And this is completely alright with me! Knowing this, I also had to learn how to balance my own wants and dreams. I’ve discovered that nothing beats creating a career where I can do both! I finished University with a Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in Physical Geography where I then landed a desk job (working for others) in digital mapping and surveying. Having never done that before, I thought why not. Fast forward 5 years later, I have learned a very important thing about myself – I do not want to work for others.

Over the last 5 years I have indulged in everything health and wellness. I never felt fully comfortable in my own skin and struggled with self esteem issues, especially with my appearance. However, rather than blaming others, I took matters into my own hands and decided to set a very specific goal: compete in a men’s fitness competition, standing on a stage in pretty much nothing but my underwear. This to me was the ultimate test of my willingness to overcome my fears, and an opportunity to learn that I have the ultimate control over my health and the body I want. I spent 2 years learning about fitness nutrition, healthy lifestyle changes, and became obsessed with learning more and more about this fascinating field. In May 2016, I competed in my first Male Fitness Model show and placed second. A few months later I became a certified CPTN personal Trainer and am now working towards my Holistic Health Coach and Holistic Nutrition certifications through Nutraphoria.

This past year, my wife and I had lost our son. Which, for most, would derail our passions, our lives and put us on a coarse towards the unknown. For me, it made me stronger, because now I have someone watching my every move, only hoping for me to succeed, someone I know I will never let down… Ever. You see, I was frightened to leave my work because of the good pay, and having just purchased a home, but I was not happy. Happiness is more important to me than anything. My dream is to be a health coach and help others define their health by their own design. I live by a simple truth: your passions make you dream something bigger than yourself, and fulfilment is when you are given the RIGHT direction to achieve your dreams.

Posts by Thomas Montour

Harms of under eating Nutraphoria

4 Ways Under-Eating Can Harm Us

Your daily caloric intake is based on a variety of factors: our age, weight, height, gender, activity level, and any current deficiencies. To function daily,...

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Licorice Benefits Nutraphoria

4 Key Benefits of Super Herb: Licorice

4 Key Benefits of Super Herb: Licorice Licorice is an immune supportive herb. It has been classified as ‘antiviral,’ ‘antibacterial,’ and promotes cell production and...

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4 Ways To Regulate Your Blood Sugar

Our blood sugar is a critical component to our health. The food we eat digests and is converted in our liver to glucose (sugar within...

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Plantain Skillet Nutraphoria

It’s Not A Potato, It’s A Plantain!

Plantains are part of the banana family and are a staple in Caribbean cuisine. Plantains can be bitter, or sweet similar to bananas, but their...

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5 Reasons Why Your Lifestyle Slows Metabolism!

Our bodies perform many biological processes to keep us alive: breathing, digestion, circulating blood, and exercising are just a few. All of these processes require...

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The Uncomplicated Pancake

In my household, pancakes used to be a Saturday morning ritual. Taking the big bag of pancake mix (with 40 or some-odd “mystery” ingredients) and...

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