Trisha H

Childhood Nutrition Currently enrolled in CHNC program Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Nutrition Coach Personal Trainer Ontario

Hi there,

I am a Mother of four and a “Nana” of 3 girls, work Full-time and lead a fairly busy lifestyle. Between spending time with my family, working on myself and virtual fitness coach mentoring I still manage to hold onto my passion and love of learning to help others become their best version of themselves.

Below, I will share a little bit on my journey.

For as long as I can remember growing up was about playing with friends until the street lights came on, playing in mud, riding our bicycles to places only my friends and I could find, swimming in the neighbour’s pool, fishing in local ponds and rivers, catching dirty frogs, drinking from backyard hoses, walking to the variety store to eat a bag of 2 cent candy before we even returned home. All this without a care in the world especially about what we were putting in our mouths. Sure we knew eating too much candy would eventually contribute to those wonderful silver cavities but we never thought twice about consuming candy or foods that we now know may not be to good for our health and well being. One thing I do remember and miss are those home cooked meals my Mom would make and although most meals were made from scratch, such items were “scratch” items out of a can or jar or a box. Boy oh boy were they still ohhhh so delicious.

During a period of time when I was on my own with kids of my own it wasn’t until then I began to realise that my moods were up and down and I had a general feeling of not feeling so great with headaches, fatigue and the list goes on. Having children at a young age and putting myself through school and college while still holding down the fort and working was quite overwhelming at that time and I found I was getting colds more and just not feeling good in general. I didn’t want this kind of life where i was constantly searching for answers from Doctors and/or magazines, I wanted resolution. So I started to do my own research. I ended up going off certain medications, going to the gym 3 to 4 times a week paying for personal trainers and well the eating did get quite a bit better but I still had my cravings and ate those cravings some days to no end. I just wasn’t ready to give it all up yet. Unfortunately, I made meals that were of budget at the time and had I’d known then what I know now, my choices would have been a lot better in what I put in the mouths of myself and my kids. BUT, we cannot dwell on the past so we learn and move forward. And that is exactly what I did which brought me to today.

Although over the years I was never classified as overweight, I did struggle with how I looked at myself and how others would perceive me. I always would receive positive compliments, but there were the odd negative ones also and it was those that stuck with me. The positive ones never seemed enough to convince me that I looked “okay.” This was my own perception of myself that I had to work on so I started to do just that.

Lets skip quite a few years of yo-yo dieting (gosh, i really don’t like that word), multiple gym memberships, trainers etc.. to the past few months where I told myself this is enough I want and need to do something to feel better and look better not only for myself but for my kids as well. So, now in my 40’s I decided that personal training, health and holistic nutrition was going to be my focus and my Career. For as long as it takes I am determined to feel whole again, happy and feel “great” about myself. So far, it has been quite the journey and am loving every step of it.

I always had a passion for helping others in some way to help them feel good about themselves. I particularly have an interest in helping children grow up to be fierce, I LOVE myself and feel great kind of people! Beauty comes from within but so does Nutrition and it shows on the outside as well as in mind and spirit.

I am currently enrolled in the Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach program specialising in Childhood Nutrition Tier one and am really hoping to continue into Tier two the Advanced certification. I am not doing this to tell others what to eat or do because I believe that depriving yourself of everything pleasing will only create unhappiness and discouragement in the end. I am here to guide others along of all ages into helping them choose to make their own decisions and choices for what works best for them in order to live a happy, healthy, less pain free lifestyle – physically, emotionally and mentally.

Thank you for reading a bit about my journey and I can only wish to help you with yours!



Posts by Trisha H

Spicy Sweet Potato Hummus Nutraphoria

Oh So Good Spicy Sweet Potato Hummus!

Two of my favorite healthy food choices – Sweet potatoes and Chickpeas. Incorporate these into a wonderful snack and you have spicy sweet potato hummus!...

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