June 20, 2013
Fruit often, and unfairly, gets a bad rap. Fruit is packed full of valuable nutrients, and thanks to the fiber, it keeps blood sugar from spiking like it would with other foods containing sugar. It is also important to differentiate between the sugar in processed junk food, and the healthy naturally occurring sugars in fruits. Naturally occurring fructose (not to be confused with refined fructose or HFCS), is a great source of energy for the body. This said, consume in moderation as it is still sugar and we need a healthy balance of protein, carbs, and fat throughout the day.
Hi Carroll! So sorry for the delay in responding to you, somehow I missed your message! I don’t advise using supplements for fat loss. It is not necessary. Blood sugar balance, and hormone balance is key for weight loss, and this is done by eating the right foods, avoiding the bad ones, & eating the correct combination of foods. Join our Body Reboot in January to learn more about this. Go to: http://blog.nutraphoria.com/30-day-body-reboot/