Holistic Nutrition Regina

I am a mother of two who has found a desire to want to be healthier and stronger. I never was physically active growing up. I hated gym class all the way through high school, skipped it whenever I could. I wasn’t over weight but soon after graduating and moving out on my own I gained 10-15 lbs, going to College. You ate, you worked, you studied, and you got through. After graduating and starting my new life with my husband I soon became pregnant. Not really conscious of what I was eating but going by what I was craving. I gained just over 50lbs with my first child, and 35lbs with my second child. Between the two I knew there had to be a change so I started working out, still not caring what I ate or drank. It was after my second child, I tried to get a little bit healthier.

I started running and doing work out videos here and there and dabbled in starting to figure out what foods were maybe a healthier choice than others. I lost weight and weighed less than I did before my first pregnancy but never felt strong. All cardio and no weights. It was approximately a year and half ago I couldn’t get over how tired I was always feeling, could fall a sleep in a split second. I learned I was very low on iron. This made me start thinking about what I was eating and what I thought was healthy. I tried to include food rich in iron in my diet and control my craving for chips. I started working out and paid more attention to programs I could do at home that incorporated weights to build up strength. During this time I noticed a change in how I was feeling and how my body was starting to look but I knew I could do better. I soon learned about counting macronutrients to balance my diet. I didn’t realize how high some foods were in carbohydrates and how lacking in protein I was.

After doing this for a couple months I realized this is it, I love it I want to know more. I started reading about food and was interested in anything I could get my hands, there is so much out there people don’t know. I need to share it, they can be healthier, it doesn’t have to be this way. I want to fill people with knowledge and help them feel the best they can. I am continually working on myself, pushing for new goals and learning as much as I can. I want to achieve a healthier lifestyle for myself as well as my family. I want my kids to be fully knowledgable about how food can make you feel and prevent disease.



Follow me on Instagram: @cdkullman

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