Charon Johnson

Childhood Nutrition, Post & Pre Natal Holistic Health Coach Holistic Nutrition Holistic Nutrition (auto-immune & gut health)

Cha’ron never would’ve imagined as a little girl that nutrition and holistic living would be such an integral part of her life.  When she was asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, a Holistic Nutritionist was not high on her list.  Little did she know, life had its’ own agenda for her, a purpose she was clueless about.  The experiences she’s had up until this moment have equipped her with the necessary tools to conquer her own health challenges, in addition to the health challenges of family and clients.

At about the age of 13 she began to develop scaly red patches on her knees and elbows.  Shortly after, she was diagnosed with having psoriasis.  An autoimmune disorder that effects the skin.  Cha’ron spent the bulk of her teenage years using steroid creams and medicated tape to relieve the symptoms and appearance of her skin.  For a while, she was under the impression that there was nothing that could be done for her autoimmune disorder.

Fast forward to September of 2014.  Her daughter, Layla,  signed up for Girls on The Run and was training to run a 5k.  After practice one day she hurt her foot and was unable to walk on it.  They went to a podiatrist and her daughter was diagnosed as having a heal stress fracture in her foot.  After months of casts, crutches, Dr.’s visits, and x-rays Layla was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.  An autoimmune disorder that effects the joints.

After years of Dr.’s visits and therapy Cha’ron decided to fully integrate what she had previously learned about Nutrition and inflammation.  In addition to this, she spent hours researching autoimmune disorders and dietary changes that are very beneficial. One day, her daughter Layla asked, “Mom do they even know what is wrong with me and how to fix it?” This question is what motivated Cha’ron to discover the root cause of her and Layla’s autoimmune symptoms.

Her family’s health has tremendously improved as a result of holistic nutrition and wellness.  Cha’ron has also been able to assist clients and family members in improving their overall quality of life.  It is her hope everyone discovers how amazing they truly are and the wonderful benefits of holistic nutrition and wellness.

Charon currently resides in Ohio, but spends a great deal of time in Maryland where her final destination will be.  She enjoys spending time with her vibrant four children and husband.  She also enjoys writing and spending time in the studio recording music.

Her Philosophy

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

Maya Angelou





Posts by Charon Johnson

Feeling Good Nutraphoria

Understanding The Importance Of Dopamine And How To Increase It Naturally

Understanding The Importance Of Dopamine And How To Increase It Naturally Dopamine is pretty amazing when you consider its function in the body and ability...

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The Power Of The Mushroom

The Power Of The Mushroom It’s no secret that mushrooms have been used for thousands of years in eastern medicine to treat a variety of...

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8 ways to slow the aging process Nutraphoria

8 Ways To Slow The Aging Process

8 Ways To Slow The Aging Process Aging is a natural process that occurs when we get older. There is no way to avoid or...

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Reasons why Sleep is so important Nutraphoria

10 Reasons Why Sleep Is Important

10 Reasons Why Sleep Is Important I hear it all the time. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” or “I can function just fine on three...

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10 Incredible Benefits of Fasting Nutraphoria

10 Incredible Benefits of Fasting

Fasting is an ancient technique that has been used for many years. Many people throughout history have used fasting as a way to clear the...

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Bye Bye Baby Blues

Many people are aware of placenta encapsulation, while many are not. Others frown upon it and see it as a strange thing to do. When...

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The Holy Tree

This Elderberry Syrup Recipe is Scrumptious! Whenever I feel a cold coming on or the children begin to show symptoms of a cold, I give...

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