Danielle Mooney

Holistic Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Coach Weight Loss Parksville Qualicum Victoria

My name is Danielle, I am a 42yr. old mother and wife. I am a volunteer coach for special olympics and have been a health care provider for the last 23 years. I am currently taking Holistic Nutrition and Wellness coaching through NutraPhoria School.


As far back as I can remember I struggled with my weight and self esteem. In 2003 I decided I just could not stand feeling that way any longer. I started reading books, listening to advice from successful dieters, joined a gym, and worked my butt off. I even took my personal training certification. I lost 30 pounds and felt great about myself! BUT it didn’t last, diet after diet, I would take the weight off and put it back on. I would exercise for hours a day and still was unable to maintain my weight. Not only was this frustrating, it seemed I was always hungry, very moody, had low energy and a whole host of other issues. It wasn’t until a friend challenged me to try his Raw Vegan diet that I realized I had been going about it all wrong. I simply ate what the earth provided and not what man had made, it was like a whole new me emerged. I was full of energy, never hungry, my skin and eyes were clear, my digestion improved, my mood stabilized and I felt like I could finally see the me, I always felt I should be. Even though I only ate a Raw Vegan diet for 30 days it was enough to get the ball rolling and showed me a cleaner way of eating. I have incorporated a large amount of raw foods into my diet along with other foods that fit my lifestyle and bodies needs.  Five years later I am still maintaining my ideal weight (give or take five pounds,I am human) but WAY more important, I am loving myself!


I don’t believe one plan works for everyone, we are all different. Change can be hard, and can sometimes take practice. but this is not a race. This is your life and you deserve to feel amazing everyday and be aligned with your true self. Look at me, it took nine years of racing, trying to beat myself into submission, and only a couple years of practice to finally achieve my life long goal, and more.

I believe in looking at more than diet and or exercise, we need to look at our emotional wellbeing too. I believe in group support as well as one on one counselling. Using positive self talk, meditation, spending time in nature, discovering new passions, like loving oneself  fully and simply learning to slow down and breath…… We can do together what you have not YET been able to do on your own. I don’t consider my setbacks failures, they have helped me become who I am today, and for that I am so grateful.

Posts by Danielle Mooney

Hiking helps with Mood Nutraphoria

Tell Depression And Anxiety To Take A Hike!

Tell Depression And Anxiety To Take A Hike! New studies are proving something we already instinctively know, take a walk in Mother Nature and you will...

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Chia Pudding Nutraphoria

My New Favourite Healthy Snack Using Chia Seeds!

Who doesn’t  love to snack, but when done mindlessly it can lead to a whole lot of extra calories and fat. We can spend so...

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Summer Salad

I am excited to share my new favorite summer salad recipe, I can’t seem to get enough. I love eating food that’s in season, bought...

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5 Tips for Health Nutraphoria

5 Simple Strategies to Staying Healthy This Summer!

I love summer, fun, sun, backyard barbecues with friends, camping, beach days, the list goes on. Summer is always so busy, with so many fun...

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Sprouting Nutraphoria

Top 5 Reasons I Sprout!

I have recently started sprouting and believe it is an important part of a healthy diet. I originally started because I completely dislike the taste...

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Scum Bars!

Here is a healthy granola bar packed full of antioxidants, vitamins and loads of minerals, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates and protein! I have been making scum bars...

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A Perfectly Balanced Snack

Try This Healthy Snack! We all look for healthy snacks that taste good and fill us up and don’t leave us feeling guilty for bad...

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