Jennifer Noorzai

Currently enrolled in CHNC program California

My name is Jennifer Noorzai.  I live in southern California with my awesome husband and 4 children, 2 doggies and a cat.  Yes, I am busy homeschooling and taking care of everyone everyday for the passed 14 years (since we have had our children)…  I have to say that I was doing a great job and loving it all…until I got really sick a couple years ago.  It swept me off my feet for 6 months and it has taken me more than a year to pull myself back together.  It was one of the most difficult times in my life.  I was always a healthy person, ate right, exercised, got plenty of sleep (believe it or not) and I loved what I did/do everyday “taking care of my family!”

I got a bacterial infection in my stomach and intestinal track that I had to take medication for, for 2 weeks which didn’t totally cure it.. long story short…after the horrible medication, more problems started to show up.  I went to doctor after doctor, test after tests and no real answers.  Finally, I just got so frustrated and dismayed by our medical industry that I started to take steps in the direction of Natural Holistic Wellness.  Which I have always believed in but have never really had to use before.   So after healing with food and having great success with it, I discovered that one of my passions is nutrition and wellness (holistically).  I have been on a path now more than ever before of “everything” natural ranging from eating balanced meals and knowing the importance of it,  using essential oils which I absolutely love, buying organic/non-GMO and unplugging to connecting myself back to earth as far as walking in the grass barefoot and sitting in the sun.

It has put me in this program and I am learning so much…that I want to share with my family and friends and whom ever is willing to listen or not LOL!!  It is funny how something so scary and emotionally tough can make you figure things out and change you as a person.  I know who I am and what I want to do with my life.  It’s getting back to the basic essentials of life and understand that natural healing is amazing though nutrition!


Posts by Jennifer Noorzai

Cilantro Chutney Yogurt Nutraphoria

Cilantro Yogurt Chutney

Our family loves cilantro chutney!! It is a great way to add healthy flavour to any meal including salads, sandwiches (hot or cold), soups, dip...

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