Jill Szabo

Detoxification Developer Digestion, Hormonal Balance, Weight loss Holistic Nutrition (auto-immune & gut health) Brantford

Hey Everyone Reading this.

I’m a 32 year old Mother Of 2 beautiful children and have gone through some storms with my health. The Mistake I was making was waiting and trusting doctors with my own health and the health of my children and have learned so much with my journey Being Diagnosed with MS and Tested Positive for Lyme. I have learned a lot In regards to many different Diseases and health concerns in my life and close family members. I have taken control of my health, I hope to help many others out there. I have Been treating Lyme since sept of 2017, within weeks of a diet change My symptoms slowly went away and it drove me into over drive to learn more and to heal myself of LYME with no harmful drugs. I have to find the right and best path for LYME disease treatment because so many are suffering with this horrible disease and there is No help. My symptoms started to show during my pregnancy with my son in 2012. After learning about LYME and knowing that LYME is transmitted to Fetus, I have to make sure I have a clear path for my children so they don’t have to go through what I did. LYME isn’t something that goes away its a lifetime disease and I have made incredible success in getting my life back and I want to help others too. I also would love for everyone who is reading this to check out “UNDER OUR SKIN”  Its a great Video on The corruption behind LYME. Just like the  cancer corruption with Dr. Burzynski, same story with LYME. So Here I am Taking In and getting The facts for my family and For me to get out there and help others. Watch The Video, Guys If I Listened to My neuro and went on the horrible drugs he told me would help my MS and If I was just to follow that plan of just trying different pills I wouldn’t not be writing this today. I took a huge chance On Going Rouge and taking my health into my own hands and it WAS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE. I got my LIFE BACK.

Posts by Jill Szabo

Three Ways To Detox The Body!

Lemons in my daily routine help keep my Body in Balance! But what if you want to do more to detox your body? I have...

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Benefits of Lemons Nutraphoria

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy When I first heard the word DETOX I didn’t really get it. I didn’t really understand what I was detoxing and...

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