Hello everyone! My name is Kaori.
Here, I would like to introduce myself to be a little bit closer to you.
Ever since I was young, I had this dream of living and working overseas. I made a decision to come all the way to Canada (Vancouver BC) to study English, when I was 19 years old.
After I went there, my diet changed a lot and I gained a lot of weight by the time I went back to Japan. I was not happy with myself at all.
I started “dieting” very hard by not eating enough food (very dangerously) because I didn’t know any other ways to lose weight back then.
I felt it was very urgent to lose weight with so many slim girls around me, so I just kept eating very small portions of food and I starved myself.
I started to lose a lot of weight and at this point, people around me were worried about my health and told me that I was losing too much. I didn’t believe what they were telling me. In fact, I enjoyed people telling me that. I thought it was a compliment and I wanted to lose more and more.
All I cared about was reducing calories, so I found happiness in the feeling of hunger. If I wasn’t hungry, I felt like I was eating too much. I was literally living with a scale. Even a 0.5lb gain counted negatively.
I tried to avoid going out with friends because if I went out, I would have to eat. I lost my social life but still, it was my choice.
However, my body caught up to me. One day I suddenly felt so bad and had severe stomach pain. I could not stop sweating, could not move, I was cold and hot. I was scared and cried.
I was lucky enough that my body gave me a warning to see a doctor.
Looking back,I was very close to having anorexia or bulimia.
I learned from that experience and started to educate myself. I really wanted to fix my eating disorder. It wasn’t easy but I slowly tried to eat more. I learned “healthy fats” and “muscle gain” etc. It was an eye opening experience for me.
That was the time when I came across women overseas who train hard and eat well (on social media). It was an eye opening experience for me. They tell you to “eat” to be strong and healthy, physically and mentally. I quickly fell in love with the lifestyle.
As much as I “enjoyed” my wrong diet, one thing I was struggling with when I was not eating enough was my hobby. Cooking.
I had to put it on the back burner and I always wanted to get back to it.
So, finding these people online has changed my life. You can still control your weight or physique while you enjoy meals by tweaking the traditional recipes!
There are tons of healthy recipes that help you achieve your health and beauty goals out there.
I enjoyed cooking again. But this time, not with boring healthy “bird” food, nor with unhealthy (but yummy) foods. I enjoyed cooking colorful, healthy and tasty foods!
I would like to share my recipes so that you can take them with you along your journey of staying healthy and beautiful.
I for one am super busy 24/7 with work and life, and the recipes HAVE TO be easy and quick so it’s easy to make my daily routine. So all my recipes are busy people friendly:)
I truly believe that “eating well” brings happiness to everyone. This applies to every single person on the planet.
I hope you can find happiness and your own wellness through my recipes.
– Find your health.
Kaori Cheslock