NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition | Megan Caplan

Megan Caplan

Consulting Developer General Nutrition and Meal Plans Holistic Nutrition Nutrition & Wellness Coach Plant based nutrition Vegan Vegetarian and Plant-Based Nutrition Weight Loss Montreal

Hi there!

My name is Megan Caplan and I am a Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach!

Four years ago I lost over 65 pounds after struggling for years with baggage that didn’t seem to want to be shed. After treating candida and moving towards a plant based diet I found the motivation and courage to succeed and not give up on my journey to health. It is now my passion and mission to help others in their individual wellness journey! I’m specializing in plant based diets to help people transition over! Check out my website,!

Posts by Megan Caplan

Spices and Herbs Nutraphoria

Moroccan Veggie Stew

Simple, fast and heartwarming stew with Moroccan flavors. The vegetables can be changed to anything of your choice. For example, swap the carrots for turnip,...

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Butternut Squash Soup Nutraphoria

Butternut Squash Soup

I love to come up with new recipes all the time and am always inspired by all the fresh seasonal foods at my local market....

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Benefits of Aloe Vera Nutraphoria

10 Reasons To Add Aloe Vera To Your Water

10 Reasons To Add Aloe Vera To Your Water In my teens I suffered from terrible acid reflux that was controlled mostly by prescription drugs....

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