Michelle Miller

General Nutrition and Meal Plans Holistic Nutrition Nutritional counseling Estevan

Hello! My name is Michelle Miller and I live on a farm in southeast Saskatchewan, I am a wife and mother of two.  I am a recent graduate of Nutraphoria and am certified as a Registered Health and Nutrition Counsellor, and am currently continuing my education to receive my Holistic Nutritionist certification.  I’ve had life long interest for natural health most of my life, becoming a reflexologist and reiki practitioner, but my my passion for nutrition came after a diagnosis and then recovery through nutrition of an autoimmune condition.  I have a special interest in women’s and childrens health, and look forward to helping you through your wellness journey!

Posts by Michelle Miller

Spicy Ranch Chicken Rice Bowl

Spicy Ranch Chicken Rice Bowl

This recipe goes together quite quickly when using leftover chicken and rice. Spicy Ranch Chicken Rice Bowl Ingredients 1/2 cup ranch dressing (clean version recipe...

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