The pursuit of Wellness is of my greatest interest, passion, and journey. I incorporate several aspects of health and wellness into my practice, as well as in my own lifestyle. I believe that every component of our health must be addressed and fine-tuned if we aspire to be the best version of ourselves.
As a practicing Kinesiologist, Sports trainer/therapist, Athlete, and health enthusiast, my diploma in holistic nutrition and health coaching has allowed me to become a complete and compassionate wellness practitioner. Leading through example and life-long learning is paramount, as is being an exemplary role model for my children. I have become passionate towards teaching others as my own education has continued to grow throughout the years. My drive is to educate on the pillars of healthy living (Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep and Stress management). My goal is to arm others with the tools, education and resources to empower and influence their own health proactively, while my vision is to help transfigure our current ‘sick care system’ into ‘health care’ and disease prevention. Knowledge is Power, and prevention is better than a cure.