I am a Nutrition junkie. Sure, that may sound weird, but it’s the truth. I LOVE NUTRITION. One could say obsessed by it, even. It started many years ago when, in the country of Fiji, I attended an Anthony Robbins Seminar where we were put on a complete detox filled with only plant-based, nutritionally-dense food and liquids for a time. I ended up feeling unbelievable amounts of energy and vitality for the first time in my life.
Nutrition and how it can heal our bodies, rid us of dis-eases and make us feel so great became my greatest passion. I am a fitness studio owner, a teacher, a Registered Massage Therapist and I LOVE helping and serving others. I can’t wait to get out into the world and share how such a simple thing like what we put in our bodies can change our health for the better so profoundly and so quickly.
Nutrition starts at HOME. It begins with what we, as parents, teach our children. Let’s work together to build a beautiful, healthy life for us, for our children and for our planet.
Peace, Love, Joy