April 9, 2017
Is there more to garlic than meets the eye?
Yes! Garlic does more than scare away those vampires (and quite possibly your significant other)!
Garlic is such a natural power house, we should all find ways to incorporate this super food into our daily meal plans.
*Garlic as an antibiotic: Garlic’s role as an antimicrobial has been well documented, and has even been proven to be effective against bacteria that no longer responds to prescription antibiotics.
*Garlic as an anti-inflammatory: Again research backs up clear evidence for anti-inflammatory properties in garlic. Use as an anti-inflammatory is just gaining speed and can be looked at in the future for help with inflammatory bowel disease.
*Garlic as an antioxidant: Antioxidants are used in our bodies to shuffle energy, and keep it flowing in a way that prevents damage to the cells and tissues. Garlic may be able to help with neutralizing oxygen free radicals in the tissue. Aged garlic may be especially useful in this application as the most powerful radical neutralizing effects form as the garlic is aged.
*Garlic as a circulatory aid: Not only can garlic be viewed as an energy stimulant, it helps with circulation and has multiple heart health benefits. Allicin, a sulfur compound in garlic works to lower total cholesterol, and raise HDL, can lower blood pressure, and even inhibit platelet clumping in the blood. Decreasing the risk of clogged arteries and stroke.
*Garlic as a detoxifier: Garlic can be viewed as a digestive cleanser. Helping to get rid of toxic bacteria and yeasts in the digestive tract.
*Garlic as an energy booster and stress reducer: Garlic’s positive impact on blood sugar, by increasing the availability of insulin and possibly stimulating the pancreas to produce more insulin, is starting to be used in relationship to diabetes. By helping to regulate blood sugar issues and creating a more balanced day, it can definitely be seen as an energy booster.
*Garlic as immune support: Herbs can have a direct impact on bacteria and viruses, or act to support the immune system by enhancing the function of our own immune cells and organs. Garlic is seen to be antiviral, antibacterial, and able to increase our immune cell activity.
*Garlic is delicious!!! I find ways to cook with garlic as often as I can, and I really don’t think I have garlic breath all the time:) I cook with garlic in my eggs, broth’s, soups, and chili’s. Not to mention salsa…need I say more?
Find some garlic, get cooking, and reap all the benefits!