Keeping it Fresh

April 9, 2017

Here it is, coming to the end of January, and you are sticking to your plans pretty well!  But one thing I hear over and over becomes things like, “I can’t eat another egg”.

You are trying to cut sugar and gluten and maybe dairy and figure out what foods you may have an issue with, and you get caught in another trap.

Eating the same foods over and over again…BORING!

Food needs to be good on all levels.  How we see it (lots of color), how we eat it (sitting and enjoying it instead of eating while running around the kitchen), all aspects of taste (even out bitter, salty, sweet, and sour), and pleasure.

If what we eat isn’t fulfilling you aren’t going to stick with it!  And that’s the whole reason you’re here, to change your life!

Yes, it will take a period of adjustment as your taste buds go from “I could eat this whole canister of frosting” to wow, these berries are really sweet.

Yes, it might take longer to think about, because it’s new and foreign.

Yes, your kids are going to think it’s weird.

Yes, you may have to fight your spouse.

Yes, you may go through a slight detox and be uncomfortable…..GASP what??!! why on earth would I make myself be uncomfortable!?

Because what you were doing wasn’t working.

No longer can we think in terms of “on a diet” or “on a cleanse”.  Or “I can’t wait to get back to normal”.  Society’s normal doesn’t work.  If you think about it, you haven’t really been comfortable anyway…right?  Jeans don’t fit right, your workouts suck, gassy, bloated, can’t sleep at night, hormones a mess.  Need I go on?  Wouldn’t you rather put the time and effort into your body and your nutrition, than spend all your energy trying to make unhealthy foods try to fit into your new plan?

Real food works:)  Change works:)  Don’t give up before your body has had a chance to heal itself.  Keep it interesting and fresh and delicious!

Below is an easy to make breakfast.  I never take the time to measure this recipe and the good thing is you can add or limit ingredients to your taste.  Remember make it your own and own it!

Quick & Easy Healthy Breakfast:

  • Two eggs scrambled with chopped garlic
  • Tsp. of coconut oil (for cooking the eggs)
  • Tbsp sauerkraut (all natural, no sugar and no preservatives please!)
  • Ketchup (again keep it natural and watch those sugars!)  If ketchup isn’t natural enough for you or you can’t find the right brand, try salsa!

By the way, sauerkraut is a source of fiber,  vitamins A, C,K, and some B vits. as well as iron, manganese, magnesium, copper, and calcium!  Not to mention all that fermenting power that adds those great probiotics you keep hearing about.  (remember gaining nutrition from whole foods is way better than just supplementing everything)  Those probiotics can be linked to everything from improved immunity, cognitive ability, digestive, and endocrine functions.

About the Author

anita curley nutraphoria school of holistic nutrition

Anita Jo Curley

Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Currently enrolled in CHNC program Holistic Nutrition Coach

As a Certified Athletic Trainer, Certified strength and conditioning specialist, and now a personal trainer, I have so many clients that despite doing everything “right” still struggle to find...

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