anita curley nutraphoria school of holistic nutrition

Anita Jo Curley

Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Currently enrolled in CHNC program Holistic Nutrition Coach

As a Certified Athletic Trainer, Certified strength and conditioning specialist, and now a personal trainer, I have so many clients that despite doing everything “right” still struggle to find true health.  This rang true for myself as well, as I found myself doing everything I thought to be healthy and fit and found myself getting sicker and sicker.

At the same time I was in the best shape of my adult life I began to go backwards faster than forwards and was soon diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroid disease and was sick for almost nine straight months, with “just a virus”.  I have spent years researching the root causes of many issues for my clients and myself and decided that it was time to find the real answers for us all.

My mission is not just to gain my clients a quick fix weight loss or great workouts but to truly educate everyone that health is a lifestyle that we all can achieve.

Posts by Anita Jo Curley

Are Carbs Good? Nutraphoria

Quality, Not Quantity

High Carb, low carb, no carb, only carb…The list can go on forever.  Everyone has an idea about Carbohydrates and how they affect our diets....

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healthy eating nutraphoria

Keeping it Fresh

Here it is, coming to the end of January, and you are sticking to your plans pretty well!  But one thing I hear over and...

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dangers of processed foods nutraphoria

Good Reminders of Why You Should Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods are everywhere!  In fact I’ve had many conversations with clients about the frustrations of trying to eat a whole foods diet.  Society is...

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sources of calcium nutraphoria school of holistic nutrition

Understanding Calcium

Cheese, yogurt, broccoli, almonds, dried apricots, and sunflower seeds.  What do they all have in common?  They are all excellent sources of Calcium!  Yup, you...

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benefits of garlic nutraphoria school of holistic nutrition

Benefits of Garlic

Is there more to garlic than meets the eye?   Yes!  Garlic does more than scare away those vampires (and quite possibly your significant other)!...

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5 reasons to detox nutraphoria school of holistic nutrition

5 reasons to detox

As you may have noticed, “detox” and “cleanse” seem to be the new buzz words in the nutrition world lately.  Maybe you have had a...

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NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition | Back to Basics

Back to Basics

Most of the time when we start a new journey in life we are full of excitement and energy. This explosive start is amazing when...

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blueberry smoothie recipe nutraphoria school of holistic nutrition

A great start to a great day!

This is it! Today is the day! The holiday’s are over and you know you are ready to make a change…now what do you do? ...

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