April Viera

Holistic Nutrition Roseville

Hi, I’m April and I’m a mama who is passionate about the health and the future for my children! I know that’s where my journey started, dealing with our own health challenges has made me dig and i’m going to continue. I am very busy right now studying nutrition and constantly cooking, fermenting and figuring out ways to make my kiddos eat all the good stuff! LOL!  I am excited to finish my Holistic Nutritionist program here at Nutraphoria and Specialize in Childhood Nutrition. I plan on helping families heal their guts, detox their bodies and develop  healthy, life long eating habits.


Posts by April Viera

Vibrant Pesto

Vibrant Pesto

This recipe is one of the only ways I got my daughter with autism or any kiddo under 5 to eat a green vegetable. I...

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Immune Boosters for Children Nutraphoria

5 Immune Boosters for Children

5 Immune Boosters for Children Water It’s so important to have clean, filtered water available for our children at all times. It would be ideal...

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Salsa Recipe Nutraphoria

Superfood Salsa Verde

Superfood Salsa Verde I love spicy food with lots of flavours! I also like incorporating as many detoxifying, superfoods in my families diet as possible....

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