NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition | Claude Laroche

Claude Laroche

Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Montreal Ottawa

I am a health & wellness coach, a nutrition counsellor, a fitness trainer and an adventurer of life.  I help people age well and enjoy their life to the fullest.

Je suis coach en santé et mieux-être, conseiller en nutrition, entraîneur en conditionnement physique et aventurier de la vie. J’aide les gens à bien vieillir et à vivre pleinement leur vie.

Posts by Claude Laroche

Living With Childhood Cancer Nutraphoria

Living With Childhood Cancer

Living With Childhood Cancer “When someone has cancer, the whole family and everyone who loves them does, too.” ~Terry Clark, Lifehack Quotes A cancer diagnosis for...

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Green Goddess Smoothie Nutraphoria

A High-Energy Green Smoothie – For Men Over 50

Men have special nutritional needs too. Men over 50 can benefit from a powerful glass of protein, fibre, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory foods, and healthy fats.  A...

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