Fernanda Curiel Abud

Digestion, Hormonal Balance, Weight loss Fitness Nutrition Food as Medicine Holistic and Sports Nutrition Holistic Nutrition Holistic Nutritionist Nutrition Nutrition Coach Plant based nutrition Sports Nutrition Vegan Vegetarian and Plant-Based Nutrition Vegetarian nutrition Weight Loss Womens Weight Loss and Wellness

My name is Maria Fernanda Curiel Abud 7 years ago I studied nutrition in Mexico City, I have always been interested in food, nutrition, what´s behind in my favorite recipes, innovate and create new recipes so that I can recommend them to my patients, friends and family.

Nutrition isn’t only eating low-fat or low-sugar or low-calorie. It’s not being hungry or feeling deprived. Nutrition is nourishing your body with real, whole foods so that you are consistently satisfied and energized to live life to the fullest.

My goal in life is to share my healthy way through a healthier and happy life and help my patients to reconnect with themselves in order to find what´s best for them, looking in the inside instead of the outside; nourishing their body not only with healthy food but meditating and connecting with our body, mind and soul….



Posts by Fernanda Curiel Abud

Berry Smoothie Bowl Nutraphoria

Berry Bowl Smoothie

I know that Acai Bowls are a very popular breakfast or snack, but not everyone has the opportunity to buy acai powder. Today I’ll give...

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Warm lemon water Nutraphoria

Morning Elixir

Morning Elixir Ingredients ½ lemon Warm water Organic sodium bicarbonate (aluminum free) Directions Squeeze ½ lemon in a glass of warm water and a pinch...

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green detox smoothie nutraphoria school of holistic nutrition

Smoothie Post Workout

    My favorite post-workout smoothie! Don’t you love sweating in the gym and finish your gym routine?  My favorite part of my day passing...

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