Laura Datema

Childhood Nutrition, Post & Pre Natal London

After many years of not feeling well, Laura started out on her journey towards health and wellness in 2009. Experimenting with different diets and food combinations over a couple years, Laura finally formulated a whole body plan that helped her feel her best. Almost 10 years later, she is studying to become a Holistic Nutrition Coach so that she can help others find that same balance she enjoys every day. In addition to her nutrition studies, she is a holistic wellness entrepreneur, an essential oil educator, a triathlete, a plant-based diet advocate, and a full-time mom to twins. Specializing in Childhood Nutrition and Pre & Post-Natal Nutrition, Laura is the founder of NutriBabes, a health, wellness & nutrition coaching business for women, mothers, children and their families that offers services to clients online and in London, Ontario.

Posts by Laura Datema

Quinoa, Kale and Bean Soup Nutraphoria

Quinoa, Kale and White Bean Soup

With the holidays right around the corner, those of us in the Great White North and settling into winter with chilly temperatures, snow and the...

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Mango Turmeric Smoothie Bowl Nutraphoria

Nature’s Anti-Inflammatory – Turmeric

Sitting somewhere in the back of your spice drawer you likely have a bright coloured jar of turmeric. It is the ingredient in curry that...

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