NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition | Laurie Frizell

Laurie Frizell

Childhood Nutrition Family Style Clean Eating on a Budget Fitness Nutrition Holistic Nutrition Vegetarian and Plant-Based Nutrition Womens Weight Loss and Wellness Rockland

My name is Laurie. I’m passionate about nutrition, fitness and holistic health. And this has been quite a journey for me. My favourite role is that of being a mom.

I have a diploma in Early Childhood Education, Social Service Work and I’m currently working on (and so excited about!) earning my diploma as a Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Coach. My career goal is to combine my knowledge and passions and contribute to the holistic health of others through programs, consultations, workshops and wellness challenges.

I am now halfway through my Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Coach Certification and will complete the program for my diploma this summer, 2018.

I aspire to specialize in plant based nutrition and holistic health and wellness for children, youth, women and families.

Posts by Laurie Frizell

Coconut Benefits Nutraphoria

Coconut Milk – 4 Ways

Plant based milk alternatives are the ever increasing trend in the nutrition world. The versatile coconut is one delicious and nutritious alternate “milky” way. Coconut...

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Buckwheat Nutraphoria

Buckwheat Is Beyond Wheat – 3 Reasons Why

Buckwheat IS Beyond Wheat This blog could have aptly been named: “Why I love Buckwheat and You Should Too”. In the nutrition world, we all...

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