Hi, I’m Matilda 25 years old from Sweden. I just starded my first program here at Nutraphoria to become a health coach in nutrition. My interest for health began three years ago with me trying to get rid of my own cronic disease. I’m currently working in a factory building cars for Volvo and from what I’ve seen so far we could really use a health coach in here! I hope we see more of this in the future, in the meantime I’m going to spread the word as far as I can.

Matilda Höglund
Posts by Matilda Höglund
Strengthen Your Bones With Magnesium!
Strengthen Your Bones With Magnesium! Every other woman in Sweden is affected by osteoporosis. A widespread view is that the reason is we get too...
Read MoreProbably The Best Breakfast In The World!
Today I’ll share a super delicous vegan breakfast recipe. A combination of chocolate, banana and cashew nuts, perfect for a luxurious weekend breakfast! Probably The...
Read MoreEasy Yoga Everyday
Easy Yoga Everyday Laying on your back with your legs up against a wall is a simple yoga exercise called “leg up the wall” or...
Read MoreBiolifehack: Kelp
I thought I would share one of my lifehacks! Biolifehack: Kelp A mineral that most of us don’t get enough of is iodine. Iodine is...
Read MoreHealthy Pancakes
If you’re craving for a bit of a sweeter breakfast or snack, banana pancakes are perfect, it’s quick to cook and healthy! Healthy Pancakes Ingredients...
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