Joyce Busari

Nutritional counseling Lagos

 Joyce Busari is an aesthetician with 15 years experience,she trained at the prestigious champneys college UK,after graduation worked at various spas before opening her very own spa,she’s passionate about skincare,health and wellness.

Posts by Joyce Busari

NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition | Benefits of drinking lemon water

Benefits of drinking lemon water

Water Is life and essential for all living creatures. It is involved in almost every bodily function and it’s a primary component of bodily fluids....

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Flax and Chia Seed Cracker Nutraphoria

Flax and Chia Seed Cracker

Flax seeds have a lot of amazing health benefits, they are cholesterol free, a high source of fibre and very high in alpha-linoleic acid. Regular consumption...

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Foodie Nutraphoria

How I Went from A Junkie to A Foodie

Before embarking on this journey of self discovery as well as being totally health conscious, I would say I abused my body by eating a...

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healthy fats nutraphoria school of holistic nutrition

Benefits of fats in our diet

Fat has been given a bad reputation over the years, being plagued as an evil monster and the root cause of high cholesterol, heart disease and...

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smoothie recipe nutraphoria school of holistic nutrition

Health Benefits of Smoothies

Smoothies are a good way to get adequate nutrition in our busy lives.  Sometimes it can be tough as I am constantly on the go, but...

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NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition | Food our life Force

Food our life Force

You Are What You Eat Everyone has heard the phrase you are what you eat…books have been written on this phrase but do we really...

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