Bridgette Bertrand

Detoxification Holistic Nutrition (auto-immune & gut health) Weight Loss Sudbury

I have a passion for nutrition and health that began early on in childhood.  By age sixteen I was a vegetarian and from there I have spent years studying and researching all I could about nutrition and its affects on the body.  I am currently taking the Holistic Nutrition program at Nutraphoria and I’m loving it.

Posts by Bridgette Bertrand

Golden Turmeric Ginger Balls

I absolutely love these Golden Turmeric Balls! I got the idea for this recipe one day when making my raw energy balls. Turmeric is so...

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Bone Broth Nutraphoria

From Raw Vegan To Bone Broth Lover

From Raw Vegan To Bone Broth Lover I have spent most of my life as a vegetarian then turned vegan, and for the most part...

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The Health Benefits of Chaga

The Health Benefits of Chaga Chaga is a medicinal mushroom that grows on living trees. It grows most abundantly on nearly all species of birch...

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