Hi! I am the Director of the NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition and a Holistic Nutritionist with over 20 years of experience.
I am passionate about education and helping people just like you get the health, life, and career you so rightfully deserve.
My philosophies dispel old school calorie counting, and instead focuses on making peace with food, eating to eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar, gain energy and healing the body/mind/spirit. I firmly believe that food issues are tied in with a crisis of spirit, and not simply a matter of changing your mindset or grabbing a dose of willpower. If it was that easy, we would all be healthy!
Food does not have to be the enemy, but instead is sacred nourishment that literally keeps us alive; or on the flip side, can slowly kill us. So many of us eat for all the wrong reasons; for comfort, loneliness, stress, to numb, and yes, for weight loss.
Finding your way to self-love, acceptance, joy, and recognizing how incredibly magnificent you are as a human being is critical to a happy, healthy life. Your body deserves love, nourishment, and respect; and so do you.
Whether you are a potential student looking to be apart of the global movement towards helping people live healthier lives, or a person looking to make positive changes in your own life, I am here to help.